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"a girl who's always in a book daze"

The Bright and the Pale by Jessica Rubinkowski | Debut Friday


Hey everyone! Welcome to Debut Friday!

For today’s feature, I chatted with Jessica Rubinkowski, the author of "The Bright and the Pale", the first book in a new YA Adventure duology that will be released on March 2, 2021.

Read ahead to see what Jessica has to say about her publishing journey, her debut novel and her best advice for aspiring debut authors!


1. First off, congratulations on being published! How does it feel to be in the final steps of becoming a published author?

Jessica: Sometimes I still can't believe it! I've been striving to become a traditionally published author since I was seventeen. To finally be able to say I have a book coming out has been a bit surreal.

2. From what I've heard, the publishing process was not an easy journey. What was the hardest part of the process for you and what did you learn from it?

Jessica: There were several bumps along the way, from parting ways with my first agent to figuring out my official edits. Likely the hardest part for me was figuring out the best way to manage my time to make sure everything got done. I work best with a deadline and figuring out how to parse the work over the weeks instead of getting it done all at once was a huge learning curve.

3. Did you have any finished manuscripts before you started on "The Bright and the Pale"?

Jessica: Several! The Bright & The Pale was my sixth finished manuscript.

4. What's the one thing you wished you knew about the publishing process?

Jessica: I knew absolutely nothing when first starting on my publishing journey. If I could go back and tell little Jessica something, it would be that I had a lot of learning to do! I've always had a horrible habit of having to learn the hard way, and that proved no different when it came to publishing. I also wish I knew how invaluable other authors were at the beginning. I couldn't have made it without the help and support of fellow authors. Having someone to lean on and trade stories with was something that helped boost my craft.

5. Let’s talk about your debut novel! What was the main inspiration behind "The Bright and the Pale"?

Jessica: Slavic mythology is primarily where the inspiration came from, along with the mystery surrounding the Dyatlov Pass Incident. It was an event that occurred in Russia in 1959 where ten experience hikers went to scale a mountain and never returned. Their causes of death has always been shrouded in mystery, some legends claiming the mountain itself was haunted. I expanded on that idea, wondering what a cursed mountain could do to an entire village, and what would've caused it.

6. How did the title "The Bright and the Pale" came along?

Jessica: My agent is actually the one who came up with it. It symbolizes the two gods within in the story and a gentle nod to their ties.

7. Describe "The Bright and the Pale" in 5 words in one sentence.

Jessica: Girl returns to cursed mountain.

8. Alongside your debut novel. what other 2021 YA debut novels you're most excited for?

Jessica: There are so many! I'm so looking forward to The Gilded Ones by Namina Forna, Ace of Spades by Faridah Àbìké-íyímídé, Jade Fire Gold by June Tan, Amelia Unabridged by Ashley Schumacher, and Down Comes the Night by Allison Saft just to name a few! I honestly could keep going forever.

9. As a debut author, what is your best advice to those who wants to become a published author someday?

Jessica: I honestly feel like one of the biggest things is tenacity. I started out on my publishing journey twelve years ago. I wanted to give up so many times. I hit roadblocks at every turn and I know many authors did as well. But I could never stop writing, so I never gave up on my dream. Even if it feels absolutely hopeless, and let me tell you I absolutely felt that way, look for the small victories and keep trucking.

10. And my last question! For the readers who are still hesitating to pick up "The Bright and the Pale", why do you think they should give it a go?

Jessica: If you like dark fantasy, creepy monsters, curses, friends to lovers, and Russian mythology, I would say pick it up!


Thank you so much for reading for reading today's feature!

A huge shout-out to Jessica for being a part of Debut Friday!

You can follow her on her Instagram (@jessrubinkowski).

And don't forget to add "The Bright and the Pale" to your Goodreads!

You can click here to add it.

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