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"a girl who's always in a book daze"

The Gilded Ones by Namina Forna | Debut Friday


Hey everyone! Welcome to Debut Friday!

For today’s feature, I chatted with Namina Forna, the author of "The Gilded Ones", the first book in a new YA Fantasy trilogy that will be released on February 9, 2021.

Read ahead to see what Namina has to say about her publishing journey, her debut novel and her best advice for aspiring debut authors!


1. First off, congratulations on being published! How does it feel to be in the final steps of becoming a published author?

Namina: It still feels a little bit unreal, to be honest. It took me over a decade to even get an agent, so now that I’m here, I’m always like, whaaa? Is this real?

2. From what I've heard, the publishing process was not an easy journey. What was the hardest part of the process for you and what did you learn from it?

Namina: The hardest part of it was the rejections, I’m not even going to lie. I’m both in publishing and in film/TV, so I would wake up every day with multiple rejection from multiple sources and it would just eat at me. I’d wonder—am I even a good writer? Am I wasting my life? The uncertainty of it was killer. I struggled a lot—was in poverty for years, couch surfing with my bank account on negative. But it wasn’t me, it was the industry. The doors just weren’t open to people like me back then and beating myself up for something I had no control over was a silly thing to do. If there’s anything I’ve learned from this is to not give up. The doors may not open when you want, but they’ll eventually open. So keep trying, keep writing new projects. Remember, it isn’t a no forever. It’s just a no for right now.

3. Did you have any finished manuscripts before you started on "The Gilded Ones"?

Namina: Yes. In fact, I went out with a middle grade novel before I went out with The Gilded Ones.

4. What's the one thing you wished you knew about the publishing process?

Namina: How long it takes. Books take one to three years from acquisition to the marketplace, and if I’d understood that and the way the money breaks down, I’d have done things a little differently. But you live and you learn.

5. Let’s talk about your debut novel! What was the main inspiration behind "The Gilded Ones"?

Namina: My anger. The world is not a safe place for femmes, and even worse, it bamboozles us into thinking that it’s our fault things happen. That we’re weaker and not as smart and that we should do all kinds of things just to deserve our place in it. I wanted to explode this message and show readers in a concrete way how patriarchal cultures are created and what sustains them, so they can call BS whenever they receive messaging that is to their detriment.

6. How did the title "The Gilded Ones" came along?

Namina: It actually wasn’t my idea at all. I’d originally called the book Deathless since the girls in it are practically immortal, but my editors felt (rightly so) that it wasn’t quite perfect. So, we were spitballing back and forth one day, and one of them says “how about gilded ones?” And there it was.

7. Describe "The Gilded Ones" in 5 words in one sentence.

Namina: Now that’s just unfair. Okay, I’ll try: Immortal girls kick ass. Four is good enough, right?

8. Alongside your debut novel, give a shout-out to some of your fellow 2021 YA debut authors and their debut novels that readers should check out!

Namina: Oooh! Wings of Ebony by J. Elle and Witches Steeped in Gold by Ciannon Smart! 2021 is going to be a YEAR.

9. As a debut author, what is your best advice to those who wants to become a published author someday?

Namina: Get critique partners! Writing is not a lone pursuit. It might seem like it, but you need critique partners to help you grow as a writer and you need them at all levels from the time you first get an idea, to the finished book. One of the instincts of many writers—myself included—is that we must protect our ideas from theft. But trusted critique partners help you shape your idea (and keep you from falling into cliches) and help you fine-tune your writing and craft. Find your partners and grow together.

10. And my last question! For the readers who are still hesitating to pick up "The Gilded Ones", why do you think they should give it a go?

Namina: Because it’s kickass and fun. The Gilded Ones is basically what would happen if the amazons of Wonder Woman or the Dora Milajefrom Black Panther were stuck in the world of The Handmaid’s Tale and decided they weren’t gonna take it anymore. It’s a rollicking ride for all.


Thank you so much for reading for reading today's feature!

A huge shout-out to Namina for being a part of Debut Friday!

You can follow her on her Instagram (@namina.forna).

And don't forget to add "The Gilded Ones" to your Goodreads!

You can click here to add it.

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