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"a girl who's always in a book daze"

Prepped by Bethany Mangle | Debut Friday


Hey everyone! Welcome to Debut Friday!

For today’s feature, I chatted with Bethany Mangle, the author of "Prepped", a YA Contemporary standalone that will be released on February 23, 2021.

Read ahead to see what Bethany has to say about their publishing journey, their debut novel and their best advice for aspiring debut authors!


1. First off, congratulations on being published! How does it feel to be in the final steps of becoming a published author?

Bethany: Thank you! Honestly, I still can’t believe it. I’ve been writing my entire life with the goal of getting published someday. I don’t think I’ll be able to fully process my feelings until I have the book in my hands.

2. From what I've heard, the publishing process was not an easy journey. What was the hardest part of the process for you and what did you learn from it?

Bethany: I think the querying process was the most challenging because I didn’t even know where to start. I read a lot of guides about crafting the perfect query letter, but I was still confused about how to stand out from the competition. Ultimately, I learned to be honest with myself about what was working and what wasn’t. Whenever I received a rejection with feedback, I made sure to carefully consider what that agent was saying about my work. There were definitely growing pains.

3. Did you have any finished manuscripts before you started on "Prepped"?

Bethany: Yes, I actually signed with my agent with a different manuscript. Prepped is my second project with her.

4. What's the one thing you wished you knew about the publishing process?

Bethany: I can’t pinpoint any single thing about the process itself, but I do wish that I’d known about the online writing community a bit more prior to seeking publication. I didn’t realize how many publishing professionals were active on Twitter and answering common questions to help authors understand the industry. I still learn new things all the time by scrolling through social media and reading blogs.

5. Let’s talk about your debut novel! What was the main inspiration behind "Prepped"?

Bethany: When I’m not writing, I work in nuclear power. As you can imagine, there’s quite a bit of emergency planning involved with that industry. While I was participating in a drill, I started imagining a story about a girl who has to be prepared for everything all the time. That night, I began researching doomsday prepping.

6. How did the title "Prepped" came along?

Bethany: I’m terrible at picking titles. Luckily, my wonderful agent, Jennifer Wills, is great at them. She came up with the idea of calling the book Prepped. It’s succinct and no frills, which matches the attitude of the characters leading the doomsday community.

7. Describe "Prepped" in 5 words in one sentence.

Bethany: Always prepare for the worst.

8. Alongside your debut novel. what other 2021 YA debut novels you're most excited for?

Bethany: I’m really excited to read Wings of Ebony by J. Elle and Down Comes the Night by Allison Saft. Even though my novels are set in real life, I love experiencing other worlds. If you look at my bookshelves, you’ll see a lot of fantasy and science fiction for that reason.

9. As a debut author, what is your best advice to those who wants to become a published author someday?

Bethany: It sounds cliché, but my best advice is to keep writing and trying new things. I love hearing about other authors’ strategies or discovering a different method of editing. Being curious has made me a stronger writer.

10. And my last question! For the readers who are still hesitating to pick up "Prepped", why do you think they should give it a go?

Bethany: My favorite part of writing Prepped was contrasting a strict doomsday community with Becca’s unfailing sense of humor as she plots her escape with Roy, the boy from the bunker next door. On top of her doomsday responsibilities, Becca still has to navigate the challenges of school and family like most other teenagers. Between the action of survivalist training and the quieter moments that explore Becca’s relationships, I hope that there’s something for everyone to enjoy.


Thank you so much for reading for reading today's feature!

A huge shout-out to Bethany for being a part of Debut Friday!

You can follow her on her Instagram (@bethanymangle).

And don't forget to add "Prepped" to your Goodreads!

You can click here to add it.

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