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"a girl who's always in a book daze"

Tweet Cute by Emma Lord | Book Review

My wish on NetGalley was granted by the publisher, so thank you Wednesday Books! My Rating: 3.25 / 5 🌟

It's been a while since I've read a YA contemporary, and when I heard that this book was all things cute and fluffy, I decided to finally pick it up. Unfortunately, despite getting all the cuteness that was promised, the story still fell a little flat for me. I think my biggest problem with this sub-genre is that the books are always short. The first half of the story where all the problems usually starts rising tends to be solid, but by the time we're at the middle-point and leading up to the climax, it will usually get messy and everything will just be resolved without much explanation. Although for this book, Emma did a really good job with executing the plot of the story. And it clearly shows that she knows exactly where the story was going from start to finish, but in the end, everything was still resolved too quickly, as if it was just sweep under a carpet. Personally, I would have enjoyed it more if she had taken a leap and added more chapters, since this book is a standalone.

On the other hand, I absolutely adore both of the main characters, Pepper and Jack, and had a lot of fun reading the story from their point of views. The way they bounce off of each other throughout the book really had me rooting for their relationship from the beginning until the end. And as promised, the book did not fall short when it comes to the cute moments they shared with each other.

The book also focuses a lot on the world of food business, with Pepper coming from a corporate business perspective while Jack from a small business perspective, they both provided great insights to how different the two were, despite being in the same type of business. I do wish this aspect was delve deeper in the book, but since the story was simply meant to be light and fluffy, the choice of not putting too much emphasize on it was understandable.

With that being said, the book didn't really blow me away as I was hoping it would. Apart from the blossoming romance between Pepper and Jack, the book just slowly went downhill for me. At the same time, I think the reasoning behind it is also due to the fact that I could not relate to the story as much, and if I have read it when I was younger, I definitely would have enjoyed it more.

All in all, I still had a really great time reading this book considering it's been quite some time since I've picked up a light read such as this one. And if you're looking for a book that's filled with cuteness and delicious desserts, Tweet Cute may just be the right book for you.


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